Braces in Downtown
Los Angeles

At Alpan Orthodontics, we offer our clients in Beverly Hills & Downtown Los Angeles all the modern orthodontic options they could desire.


Happy couple embracing, both smiling with healthy, joyful smiles, radiating love and well-being.

Braces in Los Angeles

At Alpan Orthodontics, we offer our clients in Beverly Hills & Downtown Los Angeles all the modern orthodontic options they could desire.



Traditional braces typically have a lower upfront cost compared to Invisalign.


Braces are less prone to damage compared to removable aligners.

Low Maintenance

There’s minimal maintenance required besides regular brushing and flossing.

Kid grimaces and holds head in hands, expressing dental discomfort.

Stop Living With Crooked Teeth!

When you think about braces, you inevitably picture the traditional, clunky metal braces that we all associate with awkward adolescence. These appliances are comprised of four parts—brackets, arch wires, bands, and ligature ties. However, even when opting for metal braces over other options, these appliances are smaller and lighter weight than ever before. In fact, most of what people think they know about braces is no longer true.


An Orthodontic Team You Can Rely On

Straight teeth can enhance your confidence by giving your smile a more appealing look. Here at Alpan Orthodontics, we offer our clients in Beverly Hills & Downtown Los Angeles all the modern orthodontic options they could desire. No more clunky and awkward braces—in fact, you might not even need “braces” at all. So, what are some of these incredible treatments we offer?


A Team You Can Rely On

Straight teeth can enhance your confidence by giving your smile a more appealing look. Here at Alpan Orthodontics, we offer our clients in Beverly Hills & Downtown Los Angeles all the modern orthodontic options they could desire. No more clunky and awkward braces—in fact, you might not even need “braces” at all. So, what are some of these incredible treatments we offer?


It’s Easy to Get Started

At Alpan Orthodontics, braces are not just about straightening teeth; they’re about transforming smiles and improving oral health. With a commitment to personalized care and cutting-edge orthodontic techniques, we offer our patients a comprehensive treatment experience. From traditional metal braces to ceramic options that blend seamlessly with teeth, our team provides tailored solutions to address each patient’s unique needs. With a focus on precision and effectiveness, we utilize state-of-the-art technology to ensure optimal results and maximum comfort throughout the treatment journey. With Alpan Orthodontics, you can trust in the expertise of a dedicated team passionate about creating confident, beautiful smiles that last a lifetime.


Step 1. Discover

Step 2. Relax

Step 3. Smile

Meet Dr. Alpan

Dr. Alpan earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of the Pacific (UOP) School of Dentistry in San Francisco and became licensed to practice dentistry in California and Nevada in 1996. After completing his orthodontic training program at UOP in 1998, he received his Orthodontic Specialty Certificate. He earned his Master’s of Science degree in Dentistry (MSD), and wrote his master’s thesis on the results of a two-year TMJ research project. Dr. Alpan is a speaker and leading expert KOL (Key Opinion Leader) for many technology companies like Acceledent, Propel & Light Force. Dr. Alpan customizes each smile to your unique features and refers to himself as a “Smile Designer.”

Meet Dr. Memsic

Dr. Robert earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree in 1972 from Loyola University Chicago Dental School. He attended a postgraduate orthodontic residency program at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1974.  He practiced in the Koreatown area for over 40 years helping thousands of patients improve their bite and smile. In addition to managing his own private practice, he also held the position of Assistant Clinical Professor at University of Southern California (USC) Dental School.  He taught at USC dental school for a total of 35 years and all his students loved him.

We are
where you are.

With offices in Los Angeles, Century City, and Woodland Hills, you can easily find an Alpan Orthodontics office that works for you!

We are
where you are.

You Deserve to Take Care of Your Dental Health

Don’t let costs and fear stop your family from getting the treatment they deserve. See how we are able to help by clicking the link below.

Don’t let costs and fear stop your family from getting the treatment they deserve. See how we are able to help by clicking the link below.

Learn more about Braces

If you are in Los Angeles, braces can be yours with the Alpan Orthodontics team. Contact us today to request your free initial consultation.

Dentist conducting thorough dental examination on a female patient, using precision tools.

Damon System

The Damon System looks like a streamlined version of traditional braces, making them more discreet.

Dentist conducting thorough dental examination on a female patient, using precision tools.

Metal & Gold Braces

These types of braces are typically comprised of four parts—brackets, arch wires, bands, and ligature ties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Known as one of Los Angeles top orthodontists, Dr. Alpan and his team at Alpan Orthodontics excel in devising highly effective treatments for even the most challenging orthodontic concerns.

With over 40 years of combined experience, Dr. Alpan and his team bring a wealth of expertise to his practice. Boasting hundreds of 5-star reviews, his dedication to excellence is evident. With years of experience and a commitment to staying updated with the latest orthodontic technologies, Dr. Alpan is adept at selecting the optimal braces to guide you toward a radiant and confident smile.

This is a question we hear from many of our Los Angeles braces patients. When you have braces, certain foods can be tricky to eat, especially during breakfast time. Here’s a rundown of the food you want to avoid if you wear braces:

  1. Hard and Crunchy Foods: Foods like nuts, granola, or hard toast can potentially damage your braces or get stuck in different parts of your braces, making them challenging to clean.
  2. Sticky and Chewy Foods: Items like chewy bagels, caramel, or even some types of fruit can cause problems by sticking to your braces or pulling at the wires and brackets.
  3. Tough Meats: Breakfast sausages or bacon that are particularly tough to chew might not be the best option, as they can put extra strain on your braces.
  4. Large, Whole Fruits: While fruit is generally a healthy breakfast choice, large whole fruits like apples or pears can be difficult to bite into with braces. Opt for sliced or soft fruits instead.
  5. Hard Breakfast Bars: Some breakfast bars can be hard and crunchy, posing a risk to your braces. Look for softer varieties or opt for a different breakfast option altogether.

Instead, focus on softer foods that won’t cause trouble with your braces. Things like yogurt, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, smoothies, or even pancakes can be great options that won’t cause any issues. Just brush and floss after your meal to keep your braces clean and healthy. 

Breakfast: Kickstart your day with a comforting bowl of oatmeal, cream of wheat, or any hot cereal you choose. Enhance it with fresh fruits, a scoop of smooth peanut butter, or a sprinkle of dark chocolate chips for a delightful twist. Alternatively, indulge in a refreshing smoothie crafted from milk, yogurt, and your favorite fruits. For a heartier option, consider pancakes or scrambled eggs to fuel your morning.

Lunches: During the initial stages of braces or after adjustments, you may experience some soreness. Luckily, there are many soft and nutritious lunch options to soothe your discomfort. Dive into comforting casseroles, pasta dishes, pasta salads, or a warm bowl of soup. Opt for classics like macaroni and cheese or a tender chicken wrap for a satisfying midday meal.

Dinner: Simplify your evening meals with slow cooker recipes that tenderize chicken, fish, or beef, resulting in flavorsome and easy-to-eat dishes. Meatballs and meatloaves are crowd-pleasers that offer both comfort and convenience for orthodontic wearers. Similarly, pasta dishes, casseroles, and salads present tooth-friendly alternatives that won’t cause discomfort.

Snacks: While steering clear of sticky candies and popcorn might seem limiting, a wealth of snack options is suitable for braces wearers. Slice fresh fruits and vegetables for a crunchy, safe snack paired with a tasty dip. Indulge in cheese sticks or opt for nutritious yogurt for a satisfying boost. And if you’re craving something sweet, opt for plain chocolate varieties without nuts or sticky add-ins, as they’re easier to clean from your teeth.

The price of getting braces in Los Angeles can differ depending on several factors. These include the kind of braces you choose (like metal, ceramic, or clear aligners such as Invisalign), the severity of your orthodontic issues, the experience of the orthodontist, and any extra treatments.

Generally, You may also pay between $3,000 and $7,000, while ceramic ones range from $4,000 to $8,000. Clear aligners like Invisalign typically fall between $4,000 and $8,000, sometimes even more. It’s essential to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alpan to get an accurate estimate that fits your specific situation.

Quite a few dental insurance plans in Los Angeles and California include coverage for braces. Reviewing your policy specifics or contacting your insurance provider directly for clarification is best.

Traditional braces typically come with a slightly lower price tag than Invisalign. Nevertheless, Invisalign boasts added convenience and comfort thanks to its removable aligners and discreet appearance. For many, these benefits may justify the extra expense.

Braces apply steady pressure to teeth, gradually shifting them into the desired position. It is achieved through regular braces adjustments, which tighten and guide the teeth’s movement. Over time, this pressure causes the bone in the jaw to adapt and reshape, accommodating the new positions of the teeth. This slow process ensures a controlled and safe realignment of the teeth’s structure within the jaw.

While chewing gum is generally not recommended with braces due to the risk of damaging the brackets and wires, it’s safer to use sugar-free varieties if you decide to chew gum. Even then, it’s important to chew cautiously and infrequently to minimize any potential harm to your braces. This approach helps avoid sticky situations and ensures the effectiveness and longevity of the orthodontic treatment.

The first week with braces can be tender! Stick to super soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow. Think creamy soups, smooth yogurt, mashed potatoes (add cheese for extra protein!), and cool, refreshing smoothies. These will help soothe your mouth while giving it time to adjust.

Keeping your mouth clean while wearing braces is critical. Brush your teeth after every meal, using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to clean thoroughly but gently. This helps clear away any food bits and plaque that might get stuck in your braces. An interdental brush is handy for getting into those nooks around brackets and wires, areas a regular brush might not reach. Remember to floss regularly, too! A floss threader can help you maneuver around wires and brackets easily. These habits keep your teeth and gums healthy throughout orthodontic treatment, warding off cavities and gum issues.

Swollen gums with braces? Here’s how to fight back:

  • Brush gently but thoroughly twice a day and floss daily.
  • Swish with antiseptic mouthwash to kill bacteria.
  • Schedule regular appointments with Dr. Alpan for cleanings to effectively remove plaque buildup.
  • If swelling persists, visit us for personalized solutions.

Absolutely! Braces are effective for people of all ages. Adult braces might take a bit longer for treatment, but they offer the same great results in aligning teeth and improving smiles. Many of our adult patients in Los Angeles wear braces.

Braces aren’t a one-size-fits-all fix. Treatment time depends on your unique case, but most folks wear braces for 1-3 years. Attending all your appointments keeps things on track. The faster you follow Dr. Alpan’s instructions, the sooner you’ll show off that sparkling smile.

Regular visits are typically scheduled every 4 to 8 weeks. These appointments are crucial for adjusting the braces and monitoring progress.

Yes, there are alternatives like Invisalign, which are clear, removable aligners. They are discreet but might not be suitable for all orthodontic issues.

Incognito braces are lingual braces that are fixed to the back of the teeth, making them invisible from the front. They are custom-made for each patient and designed to straighten teeth while remaining completely discreet.

Metal braces are the traditional choice for orthodontic treatment, renowned for effectively addressing a wide range of dental problems. They’re made of durable stainless steel brackets and wires that are affixed to the front of your teeth, working together to straighten out misalignments and fix bite issues.

Gold braces function much like the standard metal ones but with a stylish twist. While they’re designed and operate similarly to traditional braces, their standout feature is their appearance. Covered with a layer of gold, they provide a distinctive and appealing look.

Taking care of your metal or gold braces is all about consistency. Brush and floss your teeth regularly, steer clear of hard or sticky foods that could damage your braces, and don’t miss any of your appointments. Keeping up with these habits is crucial for keeping your mouth healthy and avoiding complications during treatment.